How to move iPhone apps into folders
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How to move iPhone apps into folders
1 Open iPhone
2 Activate Apps
3 Move App
Press and hold your finger on the app that you want to move into a folder.
If there currently is no folder, move the app, while still having your finger pressed on it, on top of another app that you want to be in the same folder.
When the app is on top of the other app, lift your finger off.
The apps will now be in a folder.

4 Rename the Folder
Press and hold on the folder for two seconds.
Three options will appear:
- Remove Folder
- Edit Home Screen
- Rename
Click Rename.

5 Edit Folder Name
A screen will appear where you will see your keyboard on the bottom half of your screen with the folder's contents and name above it.
Start typing the new name.
Click Done.
Click the screen two more times to get out of the editing screen.

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